21 Amazing Hidden Benefits of Drinking Amla Juice and How to use of Amla….

According to Ayurveda, Amla is considered the king of nutrients. Which has innumerable benefits. Amla is a very good source of Vitamin C, as well as all those essential minerals, vitamins and nutrients are found in Amla which helps in keeping the body healthy. Amla is not only beneficial for skin and hair, but also works as a medicine for many diseases. Amla is used in many ways, such as raw amla, amla juice, amla powder, amla pickle or jam etc. Amla suits you in every form.

Benefits of Drinking Amla Juice

Benefits of Drinking Amla Juice:

Amla has been called Amritphal or Dhatriphal in Ayurveda. Since the Vedic era, amla has been utilized as a medication.Benefits of Drinking Amla Juice

The medicine that is made from trees and plants is called wood medicine and the medicine that is made from metals and minerals is called Rasaushadhi. Both of these types of medications contain amla.. Even Amla is considered the best among chemicals, that is to say, when the hair becomes lifeless and dry, then using Amla brings a new life to the hair. On applying Amla paste, dry hair becomes black, thick and shiny. There are innumerable benefits of using Amla. As…..

Benefits of Amla, in hair problem:

• People of all ages are struggling with the problem of gray hair. By applying the paste of amla mixture, the hair becomes black in a few days. Take 30 grams dried Indian Amla, 10 grams Baheda, 50 grams kernel of mango kernel and 10 grams iron ash. Soak them overnight in an iron pan. If the hair is turning white at a young age, then apply this paste daily. hair turned black in a few days

 • By combining Amla, Reetha, and Shikakai, make a decoction. . Apply it in hair. After drying, wash the hair with water. The result is long, thick, and soft hair. Amla contains a lot of fatty acids which do not allow dandruff to come in the hair. Amla makes hair strong. It contains high amounts of iron and carotene, due to which hair grows. Be told that Amla also acts as a natural conditioner.

Benefits of Amla in eye disease:

Benefits of amla juice

• Consuming Amla juice can keep the eyes healthy. Amla is also considered helpful in increasing eyesight. By consuming it, the problem of itching and watery eyes can also be removed.

• Make a paste by grinding gooseberry, and make a bundle of it and tie it on the eyes. It is beneficial in the problem of itching, burning etc. of the eyes caused due to pitta dosha.

Amla is beneficial in the problem of nose bleeding:

The problem of nose bleeding can be due to many reasons. Amla is beneficial in this. Finely grind Jamun, Mango and Amla along with Kanji etc. Applying it on the head provides relief in nose bleeding.

Benefits of amla in sore throat:

Whenever the weather changes, usually there is a problem of sore throat. Amla powder is very beneficial in this situation. Mix parsley, turmeric, amla, yavakshar and chitrak in equal quantity. Lick 1 to 2 grams of amla powder with 2 spoons of honey and 1 spoon of ghee. This cures sore throat.

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Benefits of Amla in Constipation and Acidity:

Due to today’s lifestyle or food habits, everyone is troubled by constipation. With lukewarm water, consume 3–6 grams of triphala powder.

. It provides relief in constipation and gooseberry juice can relieve constipation, abdominal pain, indigestion and gas problems. With this, relief from burning sensation and acidity in the stomach can be found. Consume it especially if you have worms in your stomach.

Benefits of Amla in Diarrhea:

Grind 10-12 grams tender leaves of gooseberry and consume it with buttermilk every morning and evening. It is beneficial in diarrhea.

Amla gives relief from vomiting:

Mix 10 grams of sugar candy in 2-3 spoons of amla juice and consume it. This stops hiccups and vomiting. In case of vomiting, you can also take half a teaspoon of amla powder with water.

Benefits of Amla in piles:

Benefits of amla juice

Piles is a disease caused by constipation. Often people who eat spicy food have this problem. Use of Amla is beneficial for this.

-Amla should be grinded well and coated in an earthen vessel (inside). The patient should drink buttermilk in this utensil. It is beneficial in piles

– If there is excessive bleeding in piles, then take 3-8 grams of amla powder with curd cream. Use this method two or three times daily.

Benefits of Amla in Diabetes:

Diabetes is also known as diabetes. At present many people are suffering from diabetes. For this, take Amla, Harad, Baheda, Nagarmotha, Daruhaldi and Devdaru. Take them in equal quantity and make powder. Taking 1 spoon of this in the morning and evening to a diabetic patient is beneficial.

Amla beneficial in skin Diseases:

Remove Stretch Marks

Consume neem leaves and Amla with ghee. It is beneficial in boils, injury related problems, bile problems, itching etc.

  Make ashes by burning the kernels of Indian Amla. Mix coconut oil in it. Applying it on any type of itching, wet or dry, is beneficial.

Benefits of Amla in keeping the heart healthy:

Consumption of Amla is helpful in keeping the heart healthy, because consumption of Amla helps in reducing cholesterol, as well as Vitamin-C found in Amla prevents the blood vessels from constricting, which also keeps blood pressure normal.

Amla is beneficial in cleaning the Blood:

Amla juice is rich in antioxidants In addition, it contains vitamin C, which is useful for clearing the blood.

Amla beneficial in Jaundice:

Kamla is also called jaundice. Jaundice is a yellow discoloration of the skin and can be serious if not treated in the early stages.

Make a chutney of Amla and add honey to it. Consuming this is beneficial in liver disorders and jaundice.

Benefits of Amla in leprosy:

Make a fine powder by taking amla and neem leaves in equal quantity. Lick half a teaspoon of it with honey every morning. Due to this, there is immediate benefit in the serious disease of leprosy.

Amla provides relief from arthritis pain:

In arthritis, there is pain and swelling in the joints. Elderly people suffer the most from this problem. Take 20 grams of dried gooseberry and 20 grams of jaggery in it. Boil it in 500 ml water. When 250 ml of water remains, filter it and drink it in the morning and evening. It is beneficial in arthritis. Do not consume salt during this

Benefits of Amla in fever:

Make a decoction of Motha, Idrajau, Harad, Baheda, Amla, Kutki and Phalsa. Drink it in 10-30 ml quantity. It is beneficial in fever caused due to cough defect.

Benefits of Amla to prevent the effects of Aging:

The effects of aging can be prevented by consuming Amla. According to Ayurveda, Amla has been considered as a chemical. Here chemicals are meant by the use of which the immunity of the body increases. Consumption of chemicals helps in preventing degenerative in the body Due to which the signs of aging start reducing.

Benefits of Amla in making bones strong:

Benefits of amla juice

Being a Amla juice, Amla nourishes all the metals of the body. Therefore, it provides strength to the bones by nourishing the bone metal as well.

Use of Amla to avoid cancer:

Consuming gooseberry is also helpful in preventing the spread of cancer, because anti-carcinogenic elements are found in it. According to Ayurveda, Amla is also a chemical, which means it increases immunity, so it helps in preventing cancer.

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Use of Amla for teeth:

Both leaves and fruits of Amla are beneficial in diseases related to the mouth. Amla leaves are used to strengthen the teeth, as well as the fruit is used in diseases related to gums.

Use of Amla to remove weakness of Nerves:

The use of Amla is helpful in removing the weakness of the nerves, because the properties of chemicals are found in gooseberry. The quality of the chemical removes weakness by controlling the changes occurring in the nerves over time i.e. degeneration.


Please note that these are traditional uses of Amla according to Ayurveda. It’s important to consult a healthcare professional before using any natural remedies, especially if you have underlying medical conditions or are taking other medications.

What happens if we eat amla daily?

Benefits of Drinking Amla Juice

Regular consumption of amla enhances eye sight, strengthens the immune system, controls blood sugar and fats, and results in healthy, shining skin. Eat it regularly as you would pickles, candy, or murabba.

Is amla heat or cold?

Benefits of Drinking Amla Juice

Amla is said to have a cooling (shita virya) impact on our bodies that aids in controlling body temperature. Additionally, because it enhances immunity, it works well as a fever treatment.

Does amla give you gas?

Amla is not commonly recognized to induce gas, however some people may have digestive problems including bloating, gas, or loose stools while ingesting it

How many amla can I eat in a day?

Benefits of Drinking Amla Juice

Usually, it is advised to consume 1-2 amla each day, but you can also take it to suit your taste. It can be consumed either raw or as juice. Before using Amla for medical reasons, it is typically suggested to speak with a docto

Which is better boiled amla or raw amla?

Benefits of Drinking Amla Juice

The ideal way to ingest amla is raw since it reduces the itching and redness brought on by pollution. Additionally, it aids in preventing cell deterioration.

Does amla increase BP?

Benefits of Drinking Amla Juice

Indian amla is a potent ayurvedic blood pressure medication. It contains vitamin C, which helps dilate blood arteries and lower blood cholesterol levels.

Can eating amla reverse GREY hair? Does amla turn hair black? How can I control my white hair?

Benefits of Drinking Amla Juice

Amla is a herbal supplement that can stop hair from going gray and give dry, dull hair new life. Take a few amla pieces, add a little of its juice, and then boil it for 30 minutes. Allow this water to cool, then filter it to remove any solids.

Is amla acidic or alkaline?

The pH of amla juice is under 7. It has an extremely acidic character.

Is amla good for eyes?

Benefits of amla juice

Amla supports maintaining and enhancing vision. Because it is high in vitamin C, it aids in improving your vision. The ocular muscles are also strengthened by this vitamin-rich berry

Does amla cause weight gain?

Benefits of Drinking Amla Juice

Amla is a great food for losing weight because it contains a lot of vitamin C, which helps to speed up metabolism and burn fat. It also has a significant amount of fiber

Does amla contain iron?

Amla, also known as the Indian gooseberry, is a superfood because it is incredibly high in vitamins C, iron, and calcium. Amla can aid in the treatment of anemia due to the high iron content of this fruit.

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