Anant Chaturdashi 2023, Vart, Katha and Mahatv:

Today we will learn about Anant Chaturdashi 2023 in this article. Anant Chaturdashi, observed on the fourteenth day of the bright fortnight of the Bhadrapada month, is a day to honor Lord Anant, seeking protection from troubles by tying the holy Anant thread.

Anant Chaturdashi 2023

Anant Chaturdashi: 28 September 2023

Anant Chaturdashi 2023:

As per the Mahabharata Purana, when the Pandavas lost their entire kingdom in a game of dice and suffered in the forest, Lord Krishna advised them to observe the Anant Chaturdashi Vrat. Dharmaraja Yudhishthira, along with his brothers and Draupadi, observed this vrat with devotion, tying the Anant thread. Due to the effects of this vrat, the Pandavas were relieved from all their troubles.

Fasting Rules of Anant Chaturdashi :

The fasting person takes bath in the morning and resolves to fast. Although there is a provision in the scriptures to resolve the fast and perform the puja on the banks of a holy river or pond, however, if this is not possible, then install the Kalash on the clean ground of the puja room at home. Keep placing the idol or picture of Sheshnag on the Kalash. His contemporaries remain Anantsutra (thread) consisting of thirteen thirteenths (knots). After this, worship Lord Vishnu and Ananta Sutra with the Shodashopachar method with the mantra “Om Anantayanam:”. After worship, after reciting the mantra of Anantsutra, men should tie it in their right hand and women in their left hand –

 अनंन्तसागर महासमुद्रे मग्नान्समभ्युद्धर वासुदेव।

अनंतरूपे विनियोजितात्माह्यनन्तरूपाय नमो नमस्ते॥

 After tying the Ananta Sutra, give the requested dish to a Brahmin as Naivedya (offering) and then consume the Prasad yourself along with your family. Read or listen to the Vrat-Katha after the puja. The gist of the story is this – In Satyayuga, there was a sage named Sumantu. His daughter Sheela was very polite as per her name. Sumantu Muni married that girl to Kaundinyamuni. When Kaundinyamuni was returning home from his in-laws’ house with his wife Sheela, on the way he saw some women worshiping the eternal God on the banks of the river. Knowing the importance of the eternal fast, Sheela along with those women worshiped Lord Anant and tied the Anant Sutra. As a result, within a few days his house became full of wealth and grains.

Katha of Anant Chaturdashi:

One day, Kaundinya Muni’s eyes fell on the Ananta Sutra tied to his wife’s left hand, seeing which he got confused and asked – Have you tied this sutra to control me? Sheela humbly replied – No, this is the holy formula of the infinite God. But Kaundinya, blinded by the influence of opulence, misunderstood his wife’s words and broke the Anantsutra thinking it to be a spell for vashikaran and burnt it by throwing it in the fireThe consequences of this heinous act soon became apparent. All his property was destroyed. Being forced to live in a destitute condition, Kaundinyarishi decided to atone for his crime. He went to the forest to seek forgiveness from the eternal God. They used to ask the address of Anantdev from whoever they met on the way. When Kaundinyamuni did not get the vision of the eternal God despite many searches, he became frustrated and ready to give up his life. Then an old Brahmin came and stopped him from committing suicide and took him to a cave and gave him darshan of Chaturbhuj Anantdev.

God said to the sage – You have despised Anantsutra, all this is the result of that. To atone for this, you should observe eternal fast continuously for fourteen years. After the completion of the rituals of this fast, you will get back your lost property and you will become happy and prosperous as before. Kaundinyamuni gladly accepted this order. God further said – The living being suffers the consequences of his past misdeeds in the form of misery.। Man suffers many hardships due to the sins of many births. By following the rituals of eternal fast, sins are destroyed and happiness and peace are attained. Kaundinyamuni regained his lost prosperity by regularly observing eternal fast for fourteen years.

This story teaches us that observing the Anant Chaturdashi Vrat with devotion can help overcome challenges and bring prosperity into one’s life.


Please note that the information provided here is based solely on beliefs and knowledge. Remember, for accurate guidance, it’s best to consult a relevant experts.

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